Don’t worry… Do Yoga… Be Happy
There is no doubt: Yoga makes you feel good! It’s relaxing. It’s energizing. It’s strengthening. At the end of a session you feel better than before you began, I can see that in the face and attitude of each of my students over and over.
With Yoga practice you obtain tons of benefits; physical ones like improvement of the circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive and nervous systems, a more calm and focused mind, a deep mindfulness which will make your perceptions vivid, more patience and an increase in your determination, your willpower.
Yoga enhances your experience of life. It changes your perspective. You start seeing things differently, with less distortion, which results in more peace of mind, better health, more enthusiasm for life, and an ever-growing authentic sense of inner well-being.
As you practice yoga regularly, what we learn “on” the mat, we carry “off” the mat, this subtle sense of feeling good gradually becomes so natural and genuine, so much a part of you that it carries over into the whole of your life.
There is no doubt about it, after a Yoga class you can feel contented, joyful, cheerful, satisfied, they are all synonyms of happy. Therefore, Yoga makes you happy.
Abraham Lincoln once said, “We are as happy as we make up our minds to be”. Then, make up your mind: Start practicing Yoga, and you will feel happier!